Penis regulat

penis regulat

Controverse[ modificare modificare sursă ] Cicumcizia rituală a creat încă din antichitateanimozități, reacții de repulsie și de combatere, de interzicere, in special pe fondul antisemitismului oficial sau ocult - deși numărul absolut al musulmanilor circumciși este covârșitor mai mare decât al evreilor.

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În contradicție cu recomandările Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății care recomandă procedura circumciziei doar în țările și regiunile cu epidemii de maladii sexuale precum SIDA [87] există organizații medicale Asociația Medicală Regală Olandeză,Colegiul Australian Regal al Medicilor [88] care nu recomandă circumcizia ca o intervenție de rutină, punând în discuție eticitatea ei.

Vezi și articolul dr. Freeman din Jurnalul Britanic de Urologie BJU : Dreptul copilului de a fi penis regulat [89] Societatea Pediatrică Canadiană nu consideră nici ea circumcizia a fi o procedură medical necesară.

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Demonstrație anti-circumcizie penis regulat San FranciscoPractica circumciziei a fost atacată de-a lungul istoriei din diferite motive, considerată ca o formă de mutilare, sau cel puțin un gest inutil cu consecințe ireversibile. Margaret Somerville, farmacistă și avocată australiană-canadiană, specialistă în etica medicală, protestează contra circumciziei copiilor, ca o violare a autonomiei individuale și o violare a drepturilor omului.

Bioeticieni precum F. Hodges, J. Svoboda și R. Van Howe consideră că niciun copil n-ar trebui supus unei intervenții chirurgicale profilactice sau pe motive de sănătate publică, dacă există alternative eficace și mai puțin traumatizante, precum modifcarea comportamentului; a face o intervenție chirurgicală ca înlocuitor al schimbării practicilor sociale este absurd cât timp chiar dacă procentul de complicații ale circumciziei e mic, potențialul catastrofal al acestor complicații odată survenite e foarte mare.

Un puternic și persuasiv lobby anti-circumcizii acționează pe lângă ONU [96].


Penis regulat un act de superioritate și paternalism restrictiv față de datinile primitive ale unor minorități, autoritățile din anumite țări interzic acest act de mutilare, sau impun transformarea lui într-o laboriasă intervenție medicală. Aceste obstrucții au un substrat penis regulat, politic, sau politico-economic folosirea costisitoare și neîncadrată în programele de asigurare medicală [97] a unui cadru și a personalului medical afectează economic respectiva populație minoritarădeși se reclamă a se baza pe percepte igienico-medicale de valoare epidemiologică disputabilă și făcând o demarcație netă între circumcizie - blamabilă - și o serie de alte acte de mutilare, precum tatuajulpiercing -ul și o serie de intervenții de medicină estetică injectări sau implantări de silicon, injectări de toxină botulinică, extirpări de lambouri de piele sau de țesuturi adipoase, etc.

De menționat și frica față de o eventuală reducere a plăcerii din actul sexual [99] [] cum să prelungiți starea de erecție conform exclamației panicate exprimată de dr. It also protects the urinary opening against infection and incidental injury. Jacqueline L. Detroit: Gale, Penis regulat Virtual Reference Library. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin and is the most common genital modification.

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It is estimated that 50 percent of the men in the world today have been circumcised. It is required of Jews and customary for Muslims, and circumcision of male babies is a routine medical procedure in some Western societies, including the United States.

In non-Western societies circumcision usually occurs later in life, commonly at puberty when boys are initiated into adult status.

Some social scientists suggest that circumcision is found primarily in societies where boys develop a strong attachment to their mothers and a weak attachment to their fathers. Circumcision plus other stressful and traumatic activities as part of initiation rites presumably allow the boy to break his emotional ties penis regulat his mother and assume a male identity.

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Superincision supercision is the slitting of the foreskin lengthwise, without removal. It occurs only in a few Polynesian societies.

Subincision is the slitting of the underside of the penis lengthwise to the urethra. It is found almost exclusively among a few aboriginal cultures in Australia.

These are all cultures located in territories inhabited by kangaroos, the males of which have two-headed penises. It has been suggested, both by the people themselves and anthropologists, that subincision is an attempt to imitate kangaroos. Other forms of male genital mutilation are bleeding the penis without permanent modification, removal of one testicle hemicastrationcomplete castration, nipple excision, and inserting objects under the foreskin.

All of these only occur under special circumstances and usually only for a select group of boys or men.

Most complications are minor. Bleeding occurs in half of the complications and is usually easy to control. Infections are rare and present with fever and signs of inflammation. There may be injuries to the penis itself, and these may be difficult to repair.

Inthere were reports that the surgical clamps used in circumcision were at fault in over injuries reported between July and January In nearly all cases, the clamps were assumed to be in working order but had been repaired with replacement parts that were not of the manufacturer's specifications.

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Physicians were urged to inspect the clamps before use and ensure that their dimensions fit their infant patients. Morsy excoriated the "Western civilizational project" that underlies opposition to FC. For these anthropologists, criticism against FC is misguided at best and racist at worst. Silverman, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. It is always easier to oppose their rites than our wrongs.

Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicinepp. American Academy of Pediatrics.

Igiena penisului

Task Force on Circumcision. To achieve a statistically significant drop in cases of urinary tract infection or penile cancer, a large number of males must be circumcised; the penis regulat of both diseases are low.

For instance, the rate of penile cancer increases from 0. Although this is a statistically significant increase, penile cancer is still rare in the uncircumcised population. Ford, Ed. James J. Ponzetti 2nd ed. Good hygiene usually prevents most infections of the penis.

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Phimosis and penile cancer are very rare, even in men who have not been circumcised. Education and good safe sex practices can prevent sexually transmitted diseases in ways that a surgical procedure cannot because these are diseases acquired through risky behaviors. With these factors in mind, the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a policy statement that states though there is existing scientific evidence that indicates the medical benefits of circumcision, the benefits are not strong enough to recommended circumcision as a routine practice.

FranzEd. Physicians privately suggested it to parents immediately after the birth of a son.

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Circumcision, they professed, represented state-of-the-art medical knowledge and surgical practice. The operation itself was simple, eminently safe; moreover, it immediately reduced the infant's chances of becoming infected with the deadly diseases of childhood. The hallmark of the new pediatric medicine was medical reassessment of all facets of children's minds and bodies, and intrusion by physicians into areas that formerly had been the private domain of families.

Perhaps the best-known example of physician activism was the baby feeding controversy.

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Inspired penis regulat the hope of saving Amer- ica's babies, many doctors challenged the safety of mother's milk and concocted an assortment of new products and techniques to replace breast feeding. What provoked this movement were data showing that diarrheal disorders were among the leading causes of infant mortality and were responsible for as many as one of every four deaths. This finding also supported the argument for early circumcision.

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By eliminating a source of irritation on the nervous system - the penis regulat the operation was held to aid a baby's digestion, thereby improving his chances for survival. In an notable article, J. Hofheimer reported success in using circumcision to cure both fecal incontinence and constipation. Encouraged by his results, he recommended operating at once, before symptoms had a chance to appear.

It has the distinction of being one of the few instances of American exceptionalism. Yet, for those predisposed to circumcise, there has been just enough scientific evidence to make it seem reasonable. The routine circumcision experiment, which has been conducted since the s in the US has failed to prevent the US from achieving the dubious distinction as the developed country with the highest rates of STDs and HIV.

The allegations of efficacy are based on poorly designed and poorly executed ad hoc studies performed by circumcision advocates whose bias and conflict of interest alone penis regulat disqualify such "studies" from serious consideration. Svoboda, R. Rezultatul este că speranța de viață a bărbaților americani este cea mai mică din grupul de 17 țări dezvoltate analizate […] Țările analizate sunt Canada, Japonia, Australia și majoritatea statelor Europei occidentale.

Siegfried - Nandi, Apr. Pieter H. Another cross-sectional study, of male partners of women with lower genital tract symptoms from a family planning clinic and an STI clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, also found that increased post-coital washing was associated with lower HIV infection They also have to justify what critics see as amateur surgery.

​Am încercat timp de patru săptămâni un regim de întărire a penisului

The fifth-century BCE Greek historian Herodotus remarks that the Egyptians differed from most other peoples because they performed the operation. Some of Egypt's neighbors, such as the Syrians, had also adopted the practice.

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Those neighbors presumably included the Hebrews. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion.

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David A. Leeming, Kathryn Madden and Stanton Marlan. New York: Springer, Papirusul Ebers sugerează existența unei serioase spaime de contaminare și putrefacție în ceea ce privește interiorul corpului.

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Spălări intestinale, purgative, laxative, împreună cu tot felul de compuși de curățire și desinfectanți, jucau un rol proeminent în arsenalul medical egiptean. Unul din puținii vraci antici al căror nume a ajuns penis regulat la noi a fost "Iri, îngrijitorul rectului regal", care era gastroenterologul și irigatorul intestinelor faraonului.

Circumcizie - Wikipedia

Înțelepciunea tradițională considera că orificiile corpului sunt porți de intrare nu numai pentru impurități, ci și pentru duhuri rele. Fiziologia egipteană folosea Nilul, cu canalele și rețelele lui de irigații, și cu viața lui marcată penis regulat inundații anuale, drept o metaforă medicală. Herodot ne spune că egiptenii petreceau trei zile pe lună curățindu-și sistemul digestiv, siguri fiind că vitalitatea fizică, ca și marele fluviu, depinde de o curgere nestingherită.
